Baby Bundles, a Community Baby Shower
Supporting moms since 2019, Baby Bundles provides carefully packaged bundles for new and expecting mothers who need additional support with resources and information.
In the form of a traditional baby shower, United Way of Greater New Bedford’s Women United hosts a Community Baby Shower for new and expectant mothers. The event serves local families and provides valuable resources to support their parenting journey while also celebrating the recent or pending birth of their child. Baby Bundles include baby necessities such as diapers, wipes, bottles, books and more.
It Takes a Village
Each year, community baby drives are held at area businesses and among Women United leaders. Bundles are assembled by Women United leaders and often with the support of their children or grandchildren in advance of the Community Baby Shower.
Women United collaborates with local healthcare agencies and community agencies to connect with new and expectant mothers.
Collection Drives
Each year, "community baby showers” are held at area businesses and among Women United members and supporters to collect donations for Baby Bundles. Women United members and their children gather later in the year to package bundles for distribution to partner agencies.
You can donate to our Community Baby Shower by purchasing items from one of our gift registries and sending the items right to our office! Amazon Target Walmart
Community Partners
To host a Community Baby Drive or inquire about being a partner agency, contact Paula Montgomery at 508.994.9625 ext. 213 or email at pmontgomery@unitedwayofgnb.org.