All children deserve to grow up in a supportive, loving home. This is critical if we wish for every child to achieve their full potential. United Way leads and supports various programs that aim to reduce child abuse and neglect.
Research shows that parents and caregivers who have support—from family, friends, neighbors, and their communities—are more likely to provide safe and healthy homes for their children. When parents lack this support or feel isolated, they may be more likely to make poor decisions that can lead to neglect or abuse. -United States Department of Health and Human Services, Children's Bureau
United Way supports:
- Parenting education and engagement
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Trauma Support
- Family- School Partnerships
- Afterschool and summer programming
UWGNB Initiatives
The Family Resource & Development Center (FRDC) is part of a growing network of 28 Family Resource Centers across the state of Massachusetts. The FRDC supports caregivers with children from birth to 18 with services and resources that promote self- sufficiency, strengthen family bonds, and tighten children’s connections with their community.
Through Holiday Wishes, we strive to assist families and individuals who have fallen on hard times due to loss of job, death or severe medical conditions of spouse or child, unanticipated bills that arise due to natural/unplanned disasters, et
New Bedford Community Connections Coalition (NBCCC) works to prevent child abuse and neglect, strengthen families, and build healthier communities. NBCCC takes on a leadership role within the City of New Bedford and supports the work of “Patch,” which utilizes a neighborhood-based welfare practice model for families within two identified areas of New Bedford.
Community Impact Partners
The After School and Summer Programming at Boys & Girls Club is dedicated to providing a stimulating and wholesome environment that promotes social, educational, character and physical development for children and young adults ages 7-18 years.
The Caring Network helps children heal from the trauma of witnessing violence in their home, school, neighborhood, and community. The CFS staff provides free psycho-educational groups to children who have witnessed and/or are victims of violence.
HARP was developed in response to a growing need to treat children who have been exposed to potentially traumatic events such as physical or sexual abuse, witness to domestic violence, or a recent disclosure of physical or sexual abuse.
The Academic Excellence Program gives children a friendly environment to do homework, build self-esteem while increasing a child's confidence in schoolwork, and technology. The program also allows of for the development of socialization skills. Values learned through these activities will prepare them for a lifetime of achievement.
This program aims to increase students’ academic success and to reduce the achievement gap by facilitating high-need students’ development of non-cognitive factors: social and emotional learning (SEL) and academic behaviors
YWkids School Age Program is designed to offer educational experiences in a structured environment. The program provides and constructs hands on, theme based activities in subjects such as art, physical education, science, literature and other areas.