Since 1953, United Way of Greater New Bedford (UWGNB) has been a steadfast presence in the area, investing in the South Coast and mobilizing resources to build stronger, more connected communities thanks to the generosity of local companies, their employees, and many donors. The work our partners and we do directly within the community and the broader trends we see across our region yield important insights that inform our focus areas in health, education, and financial stability. They have helped us understand the interconnection of system-wide issues affecting these areas whose root causes stem from racial, social, economic, and other disparities.
With this in mind, we strategically align our expertise, programs, and grantmaking, and our role as a funder, leader, and convener to reduce significantly prevalent problems such as poverty, which we have found to be a contributing factor and common thread across basic needs like food security, access to health services, and shelter. This holistic approach allows us to tackle these issues effectively.
The 2024-2029 United Way of Greater New Bedford Strategic Plan culminates these efforts and reflects a commitment to be more intentional about our impact areas. Moving forward, to guide our prioritization for transformative change, they will be integrated into newly organized and categorized impact areas of Healthy Community, Youth Opportunity, Economic Mobility, and Family Resilience.
Our plan over the next five years includes three main goals to enable continued success in these areas and ensure our approach remains equitable.
- Establish measurable community impact strategies and collaborate with partners to catalyze equitable outcomes.
- Grow participation and support through proactive engagement with current and potential partners, donors, and volunteers
- Build our organizational strength and agility.
Collectively, our strategy, impact areas focus, and goals for the coming years will maximize regional collaboration and harness the full spectrum of resources and capabilities that UWGNB brings to the community.
UWGNB looks forward to partnering with you to advance our mission and realize the plan outlined in the following pages. Your support and collaboration are instrumental in driving the innovative, community-driven work for which UWGNB is known. Together, we can make meaningful impacts that strengthen our region.