It is well understood that children with college savings are 31% more likely to attend college than those without. The statewide BabySteps tax-advantaged program jump-starts families into saving for their child’s future education, vocational, and apprenticeship costs by helping them open a U.Fund 529 College Investing Plan. What’s more, every child enrolled within its first year of birth or adoption can receive a $50 deposit into the account. United Way’s Family Resource & Development Center has trained staff available to assist parents in enrollment process, helping families for their child’s future.
Benefits to opening a U.Fund 529 College Investing Plan at birth:
- Every child enrolled receives a $50 deposit into the account.
- No annual account fees and no income restrictions.
- Allows more time for savings to accumulate and for parents to contribute to the account.
- Little effect on federal financial aid eligibility.
To be eligible to receive the $50 seed deposit provided by BabySteps, a child must:
- Be a Massachusetts resident.
- Have been born or adopted less than one year ago.
- Be included on an Adoption Verification Form. (Adopted children can be born before January 1, 2020, but the adoption must have occurred less than one year ago.)
- Be named the Beneficiary on a U.Fund 529 account within one year of birth or adoption.
- Eligible U.Fund 529 accounts will receive their free $50 deposit approximately six weeks after the account opening. The account creator has 30 days from account opening to opt out of the program if they do not want the $50 deposit.
Families of children born or adopted over one year ago can open a U.Fund 529 account but are not eligible for the $50 seed deposit.
How to enroll
You can enroll by clicking the button below or by making an appointment at the Family Resource & Development Center by calling 508-994-4521.
Questions about BabySteps? Contact Paula Montgomery at 508.994.9625 ext. 213 or email at pmontgomery@unitedwayofgnb.org.